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#254240 Hockey Equipment Repair

Posted by B.K.Sports Repair on 09 May 2015 - 11:29 AM in Hockey Gear

Hi, I just found about this website for hockey enthusiasts, B.K. Sports Repair can repair almost anything hockey, baseball, and football. We specialize in hockey equipment repair and customization.

Hockey Gloves - repalming, add/remove padding
Hockey pants - patching, gussets, suspender buttons
Shin Pads - replace knee caps, stitching, new elastic straps
Skates - repairing blades, holders, boot soles inner and out, tendon guard, toe caps, eyelets, stiching, liners, tongues, lace bite, profiling, contouring, shot blockers.
Goal blockers - repalming, adding finger and wrist protection, replacing foam/plastic
Goal trappers - rebuild, replacing plastics, pockets, sides, re-lacing, velco straps, inlargeing pockets,
Goal armor - replace Velcro/elastic straps, add protection, inlarge wings, customize to desire
Goal Pads - custom patching, colour changing, enlarge/shorten pads, replace leather straps/buckles, elastic straps, toe buckles, toe bridges, calf wedges, knee and thigh protectors, new custom thigh boards, replacing top and bottom bindings, add/replace padding.
Goal skates - new cowlings, eyelets, overdrive blades, easy hook lacing system, profiling,

We can fix anything hockey!

Any questions please ask, also if you have had something repaired by us feel free to let others know about it.
Our email address is info@bksportsrepair.com