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There have been 9 items by Zooz (Search limited from 28-September 23)

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#388022 Pro Stock Stick Codes - What do you have

Posted by Zooz on 01 December 2023 - 12:16 AM in Pro Stock Hockey Gear

Hey guys. I have a True HZRDUS PX pro stock stick with a stick code of 15285 3 / 22364. Anyone know what this is? I was told it was actually a 9x dressed as a HZRDUS? Is this true? Also is it max blade?

Another with the same skin (True HZRDUS PX) with a code of 14512 3 / 21302

#387260 New 2023/2024 CCM Tacks Stick Graphics?

Posted by Zooz on 13 September 2023 - 09:49 PM in Pro Stock Hockey Gear

Not entirely sure what the code says but pretty sure the TS part means Team Stock, so it's a team stick, usually built a little stronger to last longer but is slightly heavier than the top of the line version (not to be confused with the "team" sticks" they sell at retail), also might explain why there's no AS-VI markings like I've seen on the ones spotted in the wild. I would post that code in the pro stock code thread and see if any of the experts can decipher it. I want to say the JS after CCM means Jetspeed, those are very popular for the team sticks so maybe that's a Jetspeed Team painted as a Tacks?

Appreciate you pal! Thank you for all the information.

#387203 New 2023/2024 CCM Tacks Stick Graphics?

Posted by Zooz on 10 September 2023 - 06:43 PM in Pro Stock Hockey Gear

This is the white tag at the top of the stick


#387200 New 2023/2024 CCM Tacks Stick Graphics?

Posted by Zooz on 10 September 2023 - 04:40 PM in Pro Stock Hockey Gear

I’m a fan of the more subdued graphics.

Only thing I’ve seen so far:

Yah, definitely looks similar to the AS-VI release in October. But there's also a new Tacks being released in November 2023 I think? Wondering if this is what I have and they just have not released any pics of the theme

#387198 New 2023/2024 CCM Tacks Stick Graphics?

Posted by Zooz on 10 September 2023 - 03:30 PM in Pro Stock Hockey Gear

here's an update with some pics. Any ideas?






#387155 New 2023/2024 CCM Tacks Stick Graphics?

Posted by Zooz on 08 September 2023 - 12:17 AM in Pro Stock Hockey Gear

Hello! I just purchased (what I was told) a pro stock FT6 Pro wrapped in the new unreleased Tacks graphics. The stick is black and gold and the only writing in it is "TACKS" on the upper portion of the shaft. Unfortunately I can attach pictures from my phone, but does anyone have any images of the new Tacks stick being released later this year? I've never seen graphics like these before.

Thanks in advance!


EDIT - inserted pics

#386589 Pro Stock Stick Codes - What do you have

Posted by Zooz on 17 July 2023 - 02:23 PM in Pro Stock Hockey Gear

62 HSMTR7SP P28(70)(L)(T7R)

TR7 would be Trigger 7, and P28(70)(L) are obvious. (T7R) is the graphic.

Also, in future, Triggers are pretty easy to recognize from the divot or ribs on the hosel.

Awesome, thanks for the feedback. I'm assuming this is the pro stock trigger 7 pro version then? I basically got what was advertised?

#386587 Pro Stock Stick Codes - What do you have

Posted by Zooz on 17 July 2023 - 02:01 PM in Pro Stock Hockey Gear

None of that will tell you, you need the sticker on top which should have a HSK #. This tells us flex = 70, shaft shape = E (standard Trigger shaft that started at like Trigger 4 or 5 I think), the E# is his identifier, and V01 means it's the first version of the stick he had made (if they make tweaks then you'll get V02/03/etc).

That's really good to know! Here are the codes on the shaft:

62 HSMTR7SP P28(70)(L)(T7R)

Does that help in identifying at all?

#386585 Pro Stock Stick Codes - What do you have

Posted by Zooz on 17 July 2023 - 12:55 PM in Pro Stock Hockey Gear

Hey guys! Been a long time since I've posted here. Recently picked up 2 trigger 7 pros from a WHL kid. The codes read:


Anyone know if these are actually Trigger 7 Pros or just painted as such? Thank you!