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There have been 4 items by Karly14 (Search limited from 28-September 23)

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#382343 2022 Bauer Ag5nt stick

Posted by Karly14 on 12 August 2022 - 10:28 PM in Hockey Gear

Thanks, Cavs. Helpful as always. Hope things are good with you. I’ve had the same experience - I’ve used p90t variations from all brands, and nothing is quite the same as Bauer’s benn. It’s definitely more of an abrupt kink than the more gradual toe pocket on the others. You’re probably right about their possible retail version mirroring what ccm has with the p90tm and true’s tc6. Maybe they chose the tm because it’s less jarring to look at and they figure it might have more retail appeal? One thing that’s odd is that I’ve seen a ton of ccm p90t pro stocks (including ones made for Jamie benn) and they all have the more gradual pattern. Never seen a perfect copy of the bauer. Unfortunately for me I way prefer the bauer benn. :/

#382330 2022 Bauer Ag5nt stick

Posted by Karly14 on 11 August 2022 - 02:11 PM in Hockey Gear

Anyone know if there is a difference between their Benn (under pro) and p90tm (under retail) options for mycustom?  I guess they'll be offering a P90tm at retail?  

#380294 Alex Edler Curve Question

Posted by Karly14 on 01 February 2022 - 05:46 PM in Pro Stock Hockey Gear

A buddy of mine has an Edler Easton twig dressed as a CX, and as a guy who used the Toffoli curve, I am 99% sure that it is a LH version of that curve.

Awesome, thank you!  I had never seen it before in person, but it looks like every image of the pattern i've come across online.  Looks fun to use.  Another look at it here for anyone curious: https://sidelineswap...flex-custom-tc4

#380287 Alex Edler Curve Question

Posted by Karly14 on 01 February 2022 - 10:21 AM in Pro Stock Hockey Gear

Hi all -- Could someone help me identify Edler's current pro curve as seen below?  Judging by the shape/profile and a Getty search, it looks as if he was in a p91 for a good portion of his career and then more recently added some toe.  Is this a Setoguchi/toffoli replica, something else, or his own thing?  Any help here would be greatly appreciated.   More details here: https://sidelineswap...k-edler-90-flex



Attached Thumbnails

  • Screenshot 2022-01-31 at 7.42.42 PM 2.jpeg