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Jackofdiamonds28's Content

There have been 3 items by Jackofdiamonds28 (Search limited from 28-September 23)

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#126182 Calgary Flames

Posted by Jackofdiamonds28 on 06 June 2013 - 11:49 PM in Pro Equipment Sales

Some stuff from the sale


Those Babchuk gloves were selling for about 150 at the sale now up for double the price. Terrible how some people take advantage of stuff like this.

#102228 2023-2024 Pro Stock Sightings

Posted by Jackofdiamonds28 on 25 March 2013 - 11:21 PM in Pro Stock Hockey Gear



Ribcore galore!

#79740 Why do so few players use CCM?

Posted by Jackofdiamonds28 on 13 January 2013 - 10:03 PM in Pro Stock Hockey Gear

I'm close to picking up a CCM V08 helmet, it's a great looking bucket and fits really well, just wondering if anyone can vouch for the head protection and safety aspects?