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There have been 4 items by cenvsta (Search limited from 28-September 23)

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#5479 EAGLE prostock gloves

Posted by cenvsta on 15 November 2011 - 03:50 AM in Pro Stock Hockey Gear

I'm thinking about getting eagles for next season, all my aaa buddies have them and they say theyre the best gloves ever.
So any suggestions? and is there anyway i can customize them with colors?

#5480 Where are you from?

Posted by cenvsta on 15 November 2011 - 03:56 AM in Off Topic

I'm from New York the big apple baby and I love living here I know how people complain about how you can't find parking space or about the crime rate but I don't really care.... its awesome....

#5481 Mcfarlane figures

Posted by cenvsta on 15 November 2011 - 03:58 AM in Off Topic

I have a few. I like to search for the chase ones. I look at Toyz R Us, as that is the only actual store around here that carries them. I am not sure online though.

#5478 The "new" Madison Square Garden

Posted by cenvsta on 15 November 2011 - 03:38 AM in Hockey Talk

MSG is our only viable alternative right now .......IZOD was idiotic...Mt. Vernon beyond idiotic......MSG is the one alternative that works..........however, like anything else, just booking the Garden is not a panacea.....and to do the other things we need to cut Frank out and privatize the venture...... make a 4 year committment.....raise the $$...be able to promise recruits that 12-14 games are going to be at MSG and have a real marketing. group handle it.....it will be about 5% of what a new arena would cost and could give us the base we need to move forward post Frank....