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There have been 3 items by ragingbull (Search limited from 28-September 23)

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#355567 Looking for a W71 replacement

Posted by ragingbull on 21 November 2018 - 04:46 AM in Hockey Gear

Thanks for your input. 


I will check both possibilities

#354675 Looking for a W71 replacement

Posted by ragingbull on 22 October 2018 - 07:41 AM in Hockey Gear

Hi there,


i am using the Warrior W71 curve on my Stick. I love this curve.... 


Huge problem is, you cant buy it in Europe... i have to order 3 Custom Sticks from Warrior each Time a need a new one. This is pretty expensive... 


Is there any other curve close to the W71? Its als not possible to buy the Coffee Curve....


Is the W28 from Warrior close to the W71?


It also looks like that the gameused Brent Burns curve is similar?  See here... http://www.sports2k....ro-stock-curve/


Is there a chance to buy this curve with the code on the stick at a ccm dealer?


Thanks in advance.


Sorry for my poor english :(

#354674 Brent Burns pro stock curve

Posted by ragingbull on 22 October 2018 - 07:35 AM in Pro Stock Hockey Gear

Looks like a W71 from Warrior.