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There have been 34 items by Firebrand (Search limited from 28-September 23)

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#387870 2023-2024 Pro Stock Sightings

Posted by Firebrand on 13 November 2023 - 09:38 PM in Pro Stock Hockey Gear

Rangers breaking in alternate gloves

Are those... Supreme Mach gloves with Vapor cuffs?

Not that I blame him for swapping them out. The Mach cuffs kinda suck.

#387924 2023-2024 Pro Stock Sightings

Posted by Firebrand on 20 November 2023 - 03:14 PM in Pro Stock Hockey Gear

Agreed. I'll go a step further and add that they should make their anniversary logos permanent as well. The "B" pops a lot more without all of the busy outlines. The serifs that were added in 2007 can stay, though.

#388117 2023-2024 Pro Stock Sightings

Posted by Firebrand on 12 December 2023 - 01:10 PM in Pro Stock Hockey Gear

Late to the discussion here, but frankly, I never liked the CCM logo they rolled out in 2007. I used to be one of those weirdos who frequented free font websites and noticed that the new logo bore a strong resemblance to a tawdry-looking font called Demonized. Removing the pointed serifs makes it look even cheaper.

If I were in charge of the company, I'd find their current graphics designer, slap his hands away from the editing desk, give him a coloring book, and then find someone who could take the '70s-2007 logo and modernize it.

Donezo. Where is my obscenely large sack of money?

#388120 2023-2024 Pro Stock Sightings

Posted by Firebrand on 12 December 2023 - 11:28 PM in Pro Stock Hockey Gear

That boxed out logo will always be my favorite.  Luckily the still have some merch with it, I picked up 2 hoodies on clearance in the spring from their site with that logo on the chest, think I paid $20/ea, couldn't pass that up.

Nice. That's a hell of a deal considering CCM has the audacity to charge $70 for ONE over on iDub. They better come with Scarlett Johansson and Alexandra Daddario's phone numbers stitched somewhere inside one of the pockets, otherwise you got a snowball's chance in hell selling me one at that price.

#387416 2023-2024 Pro Stock Sightings

Posted by Firebrand on 27 September 2023 - 09:27 PM in Pro Stock Hockey Gear

As a Flames fan, I'm normally contractually obligated to hate everything Edmonton, but their gloves and pants are easily the best things about either uniform.

Also, I get that this is a Heritage Classic, but I'm a hard sell on any jersey the same color as Ebenezer Scrooge's pajamas.

#387551 2023-2024 Pro Stock Sightings

Posted by Firebrand on 11 October 2023 - 08:33 PM in Pro Stock Hockey Gear

Eh... I like the colorway, but not the execution. The originals were WAY more fun.


In fact, I'd go a step further and argue that I like the movie versions the best. Those white cuff rolls are on-point.


#386447 2023-2024 Pro Stock Sightings

Posted by Firebrand on 29 June 2023 - 06:51 PM in Pro Stock Hockey Gear

that's like some low level beer league crap.


At least these have a clever name and make me laugh. The actual Anaheim ones just fill me with cynical, existential dread.

#388487 Adidas MIC Praccy Sizing

Posted by Firebrand on 09 February 2024 - 08:51 AM in Pro Stock Hockey Gear

(EDIT: Never mind.)

#388452 Adidas MIC Praccy Sizing

Posted by Firebrand on 04 February 2024 - 04:53 PM in Pro Stock Hockey Gear

When you're talking about the retail CCM/RBK jerseys, are you talking about the boxier jersey cut that was phased out of the NHL in 2007? If so, I was also between a L and XL when I wore a retail jersey over my pads. For reference, I am 6", but I have freakishly long legs.

I'd say go with a 56 to be on the safe side. They're plenty streamlined. I wear 56 in a Reebok Edge/CCM Quicklite cut and they're both perfect for me. Lastly, I did once rock Adidas practice jerseys in a size 52 (the nicer air-knit retail jerseys places like Rev Up Sports used to carry), but those were SUPER tight. I have no idea how or why I put up with them for so long.

Hope that helps steer you in the right direction.

#387467 Altered Gear

Posted by Firebrand on 03 October 2023 - 10:49 PM in Pro Stock Hockey Gear

I did eight cuff swaps and one re-color for ccmcrazylightking, all done by hand with a sewing awl and waxed thread. The Yandle gloves started out as regular black/white Flyers gloves, then I recolored the logos to gold (Flyers 3rd/WC) using permanent alcohol-based markers that are designed for embroidery. 

Oh damn... those are cool as balls.

If you don't mind me asking, regarding the markers, what's the brand name du jour? Also, is there a white marker that's effective at covering other colors? I'm pretty sure that doesn't exist, but just curious.

#386231 Calgary Flames

Posted by Firebrand on 07 June 2023 - 06:50 PM in Pro Equipment Sales

Well... shit. It's tough being a Flames fan down here in PA and not being able to attend these things. I heard reports about how a small handful of people snagged up most of what was there only to resell it, only... I haven't really seen much beyond a few old pant shells and MiC jerseys? I kept my eyes open for a nice pair of gloves or pants, but nothing along those lines ever popped up on eBay or SLS, so where did all of that stuff go?

#388249 Recent Pick-ups

Posted by Firebrand on 03 January 2024 - 06:16 PM in Pro Stock Hockey Gear

Thank you to everyone that helped me build that set
Showtime in Hockeytown

Dude, this set frickin' RULES. The pedant in me would take a seam ripper to that sponsor patch yesterday, though.

#386920 Recent Pick-ups

Posted by Firebrand on 17 August 2023 - 09:12 PM in Pro Stock Hockey Gear

Jesus... I about jumped out of my chair when I first glanced at that. I almost thought those Jets 2S Pros were Whalers to go along with those Nexus pants. That would've been about as close to my dream setup as I could imagine.

#385999 Recent Pick-ups

Posted by Firebrand on 20 May 2023 - 11:09 AM in Pro Stock Hockey Gear

After some wheeling and dealing, I finished my 2022-2023 Sharks setups. Nothing for sale. 

Damn, man. Those are snazzy as balls. I'm still not 100% sold on the teal pants for the Sharks' home and away set, but I dig the texture on the socks.

#386993 Recent Pick-ups

Posted by Firebrand on 25 August 2023 - 04:10 PM in Pro Stock Hockey Gear

I finally found a cage that works for me - Bauer Profile TI. It's lighter than the ReAkt with thinner bars and an oreo/i2 paint job; I can't even tell I'm wearing it on the ice. I know it doesn't look as good as the FM580 and Profile II cages, but I need to protect my jaw and the CCM FV1 shield gets too hot during summer. I found it on SLS for cheaper than the $90 retail price, but it's worth the investment if you need to wear facial protection. 

Appreciated your thoughts on this. I took a puck to the mouth last Friday, and having officially entered my late 30's this summer, I've decided that I'm finally completely over getting hit in the face below my visor. Admittedly, I sprung for a Tron visor/cage combo after several regulars at the rink sung its praises, but it's good to have options to fall back on in case that one doesn't work out.

#388302 Recent Pick-ups

Posted by Firebrand on 09 January 2024 - 09:04 PM in Pro Stock Hockey Gear



Carolina Hurricanes Whalers alternate

Sick. One of the best colorways in the league and Covert QRLs were the last good gloves Warrior made.

My kingdom for a pair of 2S Pros in Whalers colors.

#388343 Removing Stripes from Pants

Posted by Firebrand on 15 January 2024 - 12:56 PM in Pro Stock Hockey Gear

I've also done this myself with a seam ripper, and on a similar pair of Calgary Flames pants, no less. Those 2007-2021 pant stripes were terrible (as was the rest of the uniform that was paired with them) and I can't say I blame you for wanting to send them to the landfill.

Anyway, the only hurdle I ran into was with the bottom seam of the pant legs, which as you tell from the picture, is sewn over top of the stripes. I ended up partially unstitching those as well and just leaving it loose, which thankfully didn't result in any kind of catastrophe, but I wouldn't recommend it and there's probably an actual proper way to deal with it. Sorry I couldn't be more help to you on that one, but hopefully someone else chimes in.

EDIT: Forgot to add that all you should need to unstitch on the stripes is just the stitching on the white stripe, as the other layers are sewn on top of that and not to the actual pant itself.

#388323 The "that's @#!$& ridiculous" on ebay thread

Posted by Firebrand on 11 January 2024 - 09:49 PM in Pro Stock Hockey Gear

If you're the kind of person who's so desperate to sell something that you need to create a hundred billion hashtags so that they show up all over my unrelated saved searches, I hope you fucking die.


#388331 The "that's @#!$& ridiculous" on ebay thread

Posted by Firebrand on 13 January 2024 - 10:25 AM in Pro Stock Hockey Gear

Five grand for a pair of used skates someone glued hastily cutout portions of a New Balance sneaker to, which might be good for a laugh once, maybe twice? Hard pass.

Non-profit mental health hockey program? LOL. LMAO, even. If someone on SLS told me the sky was blue, I'd look out the window to double-check.

#387786 The "that's @#!$& ridiculous" on ebay thread

Posted by Firebrand on 05 November 2023 - 02:21 PM in Pro Stock Hockey Gear

I hate this so much. I don't know who needs to hear this, but stop cutting the thumb loops on your gloves and then wondering why no one wants them.


#388170 The "that's @#!$& ridiculous" on ebay thread

Posted by Firebrand on 18 December 2023 - 08:21 PM in Pro Stock Hockey Gear

Jesus... where to begin?

1. Those aren't even Hyperlites, but rather X2.7s, which came out under the Flylite line.
2. They're being sold at $450 for the pair.
3. That seller is unsmart.
4. See point #3.
5. Even if they were Hyperlites, at that price you'd need to sell me upwards of nine of them, because the Hyperlite is a dumpster stick for trash people and it belongs in the toilet.
6. See point #4.

#387679 The "that's @#!$& ridiculous" on ebay thread

Posted by Firebrand on 25 October 2023 - 04:30 PM in Pro Stock Hockey Gear

Furthermore, why even put yourself through the aggravation of selling something only worth $5? If you're that hard-up for cash, you could flip burgers for half a shift at any fast food joint or make grocery runs for infirm/lazy people and still come out way on top.

This person has made horrible life choices far beyond just hastily drilling holes in his shield.

#386853 The "that's @#!$& ridiculous" on ebay thread

Posted by Firebrand on 11 August 2023 - 07:50 AM in Pro Stock Hockey Gear



Fuck this guy. I've bought from him in the past and he has failed to disclose damage to gear and deliberately set up pictures so damage is not visible (I'm talking holes in palms, a rip in a shell). Now he bought up a bunch of VGK gloves from PSH that gave been sitting for 190 and jacks up the price.

Thirded. If it weren't for all the sticks he had, his entire business model - if you could call it that - would be predicated on snapping up gloves from PSH the minute they go up and then flipping them at a mark-up. There's a special place in hell for predatory scalpers like this.

Speaking of dishonest sellers on SLS: https://sidelineswap...-used-gloves-14

Yeah, they're game-used alright... by me. I know this because I bought these earlier this year to use briefly when my go-to pair of gloves was getting repalmed. I was lucky to make back most of what I bought them for (maybe around $100?) and they're fine gloves and all, but no need to lie to people about them.

#387658 The "thats cool but i dont need it" on Ebay thread

Posted by Firebrand on 22 October 2023 - 01:37 PM in Pro Stock Hockey Gear

If wanting a pair of these in mediums is wrong, I don't wanna be right: https://www.ebay.com...me:vlp_homepage

#387191 The "thats cool but i dont need it" on Ebay thread

Posted by Firebrand on 10 September 2023 - 09:53 AM in Pro Stock Hockey Gear

I can’t do 87s but unreal deal on some mint XXX Lites here. One of the best twigs of all time imo:


Damn. That was a good find. I'm a weakling who prefers flexes in the 70's, but even still, had they been left-handed, they would've been an automatic buy.